Elementor #12431

The exhibition fee is Kshs. 3,500. This covers:

  • Exhibition booth (for two)
  • Entrance fee (for two)
  • Breakfast and lunch (for two)

Entranc fee for:

  • Adults Kshs. 300
  • Children Kshs. 150

Raffles will be made every top of the hour. One raffle goes for Kshs.100. You can pay for more than 1 raffle per hour. The many raffles you pay for a single hour, the higher the chances of winning that hour's raffle. You can pay raffles for more than 1 hour.

To make payments, follow the below steps:

  1. Go to the M-Pesa Menu
  2. Select Pay Bill
  3. Enter Business No. 400200
  4. Enter Account No. 44521
  5. Enter the Amount: 5000
  6. Enter your M-Pesa PIN then send